
The Official Guide For DEM VP Memecoin (SOL)

Biden Quit, Kamala In! But Who Is She Gonna Pick as VP?

In this article, we will show you majority of memecoin dedicated to Top Contenders of Dem VP! *Note: If the project is dead, then we don’t list them, so you don’t get rug!

Enjoy, and Always Take Profit!

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Last Update: 08/1/2024

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#1 Andy Besure ($BESURE)

Name: Andy Besure ($BESURE)

Themed For: Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky 

Type: Retardio

Party: Democrat

2024 Related? Yes

Nomination For: Vice President

Contract: DJNp5rJ96yHR5Qqip6KfmAFL3BwfkWrxkRUAZsRLpump



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Note: They are the only active community for Governor Andy Beshear

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#2 Petey Butticheeks ($Buttigieg)

Name: Petey Butticheeks ($Buttigieg)

Themed For: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

Type: Retardio

Party: Democrat

2024 Related? Yes

Nomination For: Vice President

Contract: HwGVnJcxZ8rMQaKn41R3p27fUBB8mz82j5rBhKNcpump



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Note: They are the only active community for Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

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#3 Tem Walz ($Walz)

Name: Tem Walz ($Walz)

Themed For: Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota 

Type: Retardio

Party: Democrat

2024 Related? Yes

Nomination For: Vice President

Contract: 2H9xCZ6KyV3WeEhDaEr62JZNKBVxoe6wmDQnVtNppump



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Note: This is the only active community for Governor Tim Walz

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#4 Mark Kelly ($Kelly)

Name: Mark Kelly ($Kelly)

Themed For: Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona

Type: Normal Meme

Party: Democrat

2024 Related? Yes

Nomination For:  Vice President

Contract: CFQFLnZB1LMLjekQTxe8PfqwcasiWPay9SHnrVhDpump



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#5 Mark Kelly ($Kelly)

Name: Mark Kelly ($Kelly)

Themed For: Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona

Type: Normal Meme

Party: Democrat

2024 Related? Yes

Nomination For:  Vice President

Contract: BB46szJPV9W7my5zCJvT8G2NA4WRZSu5NxSaQdx9iPq8



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Note: Newest Mark Kelly, community kinda exist...

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#6 Josh Shapiro ($Shapiro)

Name: Josh Shapiro ($Shapiro)

Themed For: Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania

Type: Normal Meme

Party: Democrat

2024 Related? Yes

Nomination For: Vice President

Contract: HzPM74WseXSEvvdZritVD1ZtgUFywwFP8uv3xhRUrGrq



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Note: Community is active...

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#7 Josh Shapiro ($Japiro)

Name: Josh Shapiro ($Japiro)

Themed For: Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania

Type: Alternative Retardio

Party: Democrat

2024 Related? Yes

Nomination For: Vice President

Contract: GuehoWU8zi1tfPy62VCcLgRBpETBFcHYNZbMs6oZpump



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Note: Allegedly scammed 235 Solana from investors. Community is almost none exist, but they do have a bankroll to market this if they want to...(Could become the Vence/Vunce situation)

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#8 Murk Kelly ($KELLY)

Name: Murk Kelly ($KELLY)

Themed For: Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona

Type: Retardio

Party: Democrat

2024 Related? Yes

Nomination For: Vice President

Contract: 49a9AB5YgsdwsPiHhbyUiU5iZvQKKJanZXpBLxW2pump



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Note: They are the most active community for Senator Mark Kelly

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#9 Josh Shapero ($Shapero)

Name: Josh Shapero ($Shapero)

Themed For: Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania

Type: Retardio

Party: Democrat

2024 Related? Yes

Nomination For: Vice President

Contract: 2hWBY3PfrJ2nP6rEUCWbmW5nDXPAuYpjASStA6Zepump



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Note: Most Active Community for Governor Josh Shapiro

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Written by Harry Tsang

Harry Tsang is a seasoned cryptocurrency enthusiast and influencer with experience in the world of memecoins. With a sharp eye for market trends and blockchain technology, he excels in identifying and investing in promising crypto assets. Harry's insights and strategic decisions have made him a trusted figure in the crypto community.

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The Official Guide For Politifi MemeCoins (SOL)