
Telegram Trading Bot Tutorial – Trojan/Unibot (Solana)

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Step 1-13: How To Buy

Step 14-17: How To Sell

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 Last Update: 5/15/2024

#1 Type “/Start”, then press Enter

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#2 After that, your Trojan’s Dashboard appear.

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#3 Click To Copy Your Trojan’s Bot Wallet Addy (The Circle)

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#4 Sending Solana From Main Wallet

Now paste the address you copied from Trojan's Telegram Bot, and enter the amount of Solana you want to send to Trojan's Telegram Bot, then click Next..

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#5 Click Send

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#6 Now Sending

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#7 Deposit Completed!

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#8 You enter “/start” again

The money you just deposited should have appeared.

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#9 Let’s use “AMC” on Dexscreener as an example!

When you are on "AMC" page, there should be a "Copy" icon next to the Ticker (I circled it on the picture above). Click it, then after that, you have successfully copied the Token's address.

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#10 Now paste the address and click ENTER.

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#11 The $AMC page should be appeared

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#12 Now Configure The Bot To Buy

There are 3 settings:

1. Click to trigger prompt for you to set the amount of SOL worth you want to buy.

2. Click to trigger prompt for you to set slippage (Normally I only put 1%-5%, but sometimes when a token is mooning and you want it to get it quick, you can set it at 10-15%, but you may get sandwiched by MEV bot, means you might be forced to buy at a higher market cap.)

3. Enter the Amount of SOL worth you want to buy. (If you click slippage, it should say " Enter buy slippage %" instead of Enter SOL amount"

After you finished the above steps, you can now click ENTER

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#13 If this appeared, mean you have successfully invested!

But sometimes it shows an error screen (usually a red dot instead of a green dot), if this is the case, then you should set your slippage higher. (See step 12)

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#14 Now let me show you how to sell!

First you click "Sell"

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Then you will see a panel like this, click the asset you want to sell.

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After you click the asset you want to sell, another panel will appear, like this...

Now select the percentage of the asset you want to sell, you can always change the setting.

1 = Click to change the percentage of the asset you want to sell.

2 = Change the slippage allowance, sometimes if the slippage is too low your transaction will fail.

3 = After you finish setting, then you click it to start the transaction.

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If this appear, mean you have successfully sold the asset you want to sell.

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Written by Harry Tsang

Harry Tsang is a seasoned cryptocurrency enthusiast and influencer with experience in the world of memecoins. With a sharp eye for market trends and blockchain technology, he excels in identifying and investing in promising crypto assets. Harry's insights and strategic decisions have made him a trusted figure in the crypto community.

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